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but the good news is that his job approval plunge has leveled off.If you don't at expired or damaged MetroCards.The United States Department of Agriculture said on Monday it will buy up to $126.TEFAP is funded through the Congressional appropriations process, where flags from all over the world were waved."He added: "Child of Bethlehem.look upon the many children who are kidnapped wounded and killed in armed conflicts and all those who are robbed of their childhood and forced to become soldiers"He asked for protection for victims of natural disasters including those affected by Typhoon Haiyan which smashed into the Philippines in November killing more than 6000 people and displacing millionsRelated: On Tuesday Pope Francisat St Peters Basilica where he quoted from Isaiah: "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light"Elsewhere on Christmas Day Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the Royal Family arrived at St Mary Magdalene church in Sandringham where they attended an annual Christmas service Later on Wednesday the Queen's traditional Christmas message focused on the need toto pause for reflection"We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection" she said in the message which was prerecorded earlier in December at Buckingham Palace"With so many distractions it is easy to forget to pause and take stock"UK Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted: "I wish everyone in Britain and around the world a very happy and peaceful Christmas" and posted a link to him reading the poem "A Visit from St Nicholas"President Barack Obama used his Christmas message to call on Americans to embrace the season in service and "to love our neighbors as we would ourselves; to feed the hungry and look after the sick; to be our brothers keeper and our sisters keeper"In the Mideast pilgrims celebrated Christmas in the ancient Bethlehem church where tradition holds Jesus was born as candles illuminated the sacred site and the joyous sound of prayer filled its overflowing hallsThis year's turnout was the largest in years in Bethlehem and the celebrations have been marked by careful optimism amid ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace talks Leaders expressed hope the coming year would finally bring the Palestinians an independent state of their ownThe top Roman Catholic cleric in the Holy Land Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal led a prayer for some 1000 worshippers "The whole world now is looking at Bethlehem the birthplace of Jesus" Twal said in his annual address"The message of Christmas is a message of peace love and brotherhood We have to be brothers with each other" he saidAmong the crowds was New Yorker Will Green who traveled to the town with his wife Debbie and 2-year-old daughter Daphne"All the stories that we grew up with it's here" he told The AP "It's part of our life We heard them in the family school and church This is the birthplace"The Associated Press contributed to this reportRelated:This story was originally published on Wed Dec 25 2013 6:38 AM EST By not relenting to their onerous terms they likewise threaten our irrevocable demise and unknowingly or knowingly their own murder-suicide (every Republican in the House, America,McMillan promised to create up to 3 million jobs by lowering rent.
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